Since its construction in 2010, the Centre for Innovation and Development has been thoroughly acknowledged as a referent of ecodesign and bioconstruction by means of different awards and its appearance in the media through articles. Hereby we present a selection of the above-mentioned.

ENDESA AWARDS, 2010 - Honorific nomination as most sustainable non residential construction
TRIODOS BANK MAGAZINE, 2010 (RevistaTriodos 20, page 17)
¨CID could represent the Bauhaus equivalent in the XXI century¨â€‹
CASA BIOCLIMATICA, 2009 (Centro de Innovación y desarrollo)
¨Referent in construction and sustainable development¨â€‹
ECOGEÓTICA, 2011 (OKO HAUS construcción sostenible)
¨The building is the first self-sustainable enterpreneurship centre of the region¨â€‹
ECOSECTORES, 2011 (OKO impulsa su red de centros de empresas sotenibles)
¨This centre intends to be the first on a series of sustainability centres around Spain¨â€‹