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Our building was designed with the purpose of integrating technology and nature, by making use of natural resources in a sustainable way, and with the purppose of lowering  environmental damage. 

Energy supplies required by the construction are entirely satisfied by the photovoltaic instalation on its roof, plus producing an extra energy supply for the region, integrely produced using renewable sources.

Furthermore, the building also integrates a water collection system, which provides most of the water required for the general usage, lowering once more the environmental damage of the construction.

The centre for innovation and development is a singular building, well known for being a referent in ecodesign and bioconstruction. These features have made it a unique construction, thoroughly acknowledged with awards and publications; from which we remark the honorific mention in the  Endesa award for the most sustainable non residential construction. Furthermore, CID building is placed at a strategic location, just 30 minutes away from the two biggest cities in the region: Castellón de la Plana and Valencia, and is fully visible from the nearest national highway.


© 2016 by CID

Pol. Ind. La Mezquita Parcela 508, Vall de Uxo, Castellon, Spain

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